Yeast Overgrowth and Auto Brewery Syndrome

Yeast Overgrowth and Auto Brewery Syndrome

“The Gates of Hell; And Yeast is the devil. A Candida story”

What you are about to hear may come as a great surprise. And it may seem unbelievable. But assuredly; it is true.

Yeast Overgrowth and Auto Brewery Syndrome can cause severe symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, nausea, disorientation and can create alcohol in the human system; even when the sufferer have not been drinking.

You may already be familiar with candida, which is a form of yeast overgrowth that happens in a personโ€™s system. What you may not know is that when this goes unchecked for too long, the situation can go from bad to downright murderous. As much as an exaggeration as that may sound, the unfortunate people who have experienced the most severe and horrifying symptoms of a severe yeast overgrowth vertigo experience have said over and over again; “I thought I was dying”.

Let’s start with the cause and the symptoms themselves, so you can quickly assess as to whether or not this is something that you or a loved one is suffering from. There may be more than one thing that causes this yeast overgrowth in the human body. An internal organ’s inability to process out the yeast as it would under normal circumstances, diabetics allowing their blood sugar levels to remain too high for too long, and maybe even an unbalanced microbiome that allows the wrong yeasts to overrun the system. Science is still studying the causes. 

The unfortunate truth is that science and doctors are often completely unaware of all of the forms in which this can manifest. While aware of candida, they are often unaware of its severe potential. 

Compromised people can find themselves suddenly becoming extremely dizzy shortly after eating concentrated yeast. This is a substance found in many foods and snacks. The dizziness will become so extreme that it will feel as though the individual is stuck on an amusement ride, spinning and spinning without end. This is the beginning of what will typically be a 4 day episode in which the individual will be flat on their back, unable to sit up. Any attempt to sit up will usual result in them falling straight back down again to escape the nausea that will increase because of such attempts.

An episode will come on with no warning. You can be sitting or standing at one moment and then feel extreme dizziness and almost instantly feel the need to hit the floor; laying down on your back or side.

When nature calls, a crawl to the bathroom will most likely result in projectile vomiting and an inability to get up onto the toilet. The spinning will increase so badly that one has to hold onto the toilet for dear life as it feels as though a strong gravitational force is trying to pull them across the room. It’s like being on a merry go round that is spinning very fast, and if you let go the centrifugal force will throw you wildly into a dark abyss.  Why dark? Because the sufferer has their eyes closed as much as possible through the 4 day experience. Opening them makes everything worse and more direr. Men will try to urinate while kneeling at the toilet. Women suffer even more as they force themselves onto it, increasing their dizziness, nausea and disorientation to the next level. Collapsing back to the floor, many often do not make it any further than the bathroom door when trying to leave, and will often just lie on the cold linoleum until found by a friend or family member. 

There have been many home remedies that have been tried in an attempt to reduce the suffering that these people are experiencing during this 4 day bout of sea sickness. However, there is another unfortunate side effect taking place that makes these attempts mostly futile. One: the sufferer is now experiencing an eating disorder. One that becomes even more dangerous for a diabetic. They are unable to eat.

First: they are nauseous, and eating is undesirable. And second: eating makes the victim feel even more nauseous and will lead to vomiting. Therefore they lose their food, nutrients, supplements, and fluids. Drinking is also a problem. If they are lucky enough to have someone who can bring liquids to them, they will need a straw to drink, as they cannot sit up, and they find themselves only taking very little sips. This makes it hard to give the sufferer substances that may help the situation, as they cannot consume much, and often they cannot keep it in their system. Equally unfortunate is that for most, no home remedy tried will result in any relief or shortening of the 4 day horror ride. The reason this temporary eating disorder becomes even more problematic for the diabetic is that in an attempt to starve the yeast, no carbs are being introduced into the system. Consuming carbs would only feed the yeast, making the situation worse. Victims find themselves eating an occasional lettuce leaf or two.

To add insult to injury, even if the sufferer is able to kill the yeast quickly through a home remedy, the die off produces over 70 toxins, with a couple of the worst ones at the top of the list being real doozies. The patient is being poisoned with strong toxins, and they certainly feel it. Headaches, body aches, stomach aches, and dizziness and nausea all seems to be simultaneously caused by the toxins which are poisoning them.

Because of the inability to eat, diabetics will experience a drop in blood sugar, piling onto the misery as they now contend with the weakness, both physical and mental that low blood sugar causes. This is now added in addition to the yeast overgrowth and die off symptoms. This is what makes the second day and possibly the third day feel the worst. But there is yet one more symptom that appears that makes for a perfect storm of misery.

And here is where many doctors, and even friends and family members get lost. The high amounts of yeast which have taken residency in the body are now consuming the body’s sugar supply; converting it into alcohol, and is known as Auto Brewery Syndrome. As you can imagine, the presence of alcohol being manufactured in the system of someone who is already experiencing the toxic poisoning of yeast die off makes for nothing short of a living hell.  While many do not believe that this is actually happening, it is actually quite obvious that it is. It can be smelled on the suffererโ€™s breath, and during the recovery phase and in between these experiences (which will come back every two weeks), they will often walk as though they have been drinking, swaying back and forth and sometimes losing their balance. It can also be documented on breathalyzers for added proof. These can be purchased on sites like Amazon.

The sufferer can be generating the equivalency of lets say 2 beers an hour and will now be experiencing a non-stop hangover on top of their other symptoms.

There is a physical battle taking place to survive for sure. But what many sufferers who have been interviewed concerning these episodes express is that there is a mental one as well. Sufferers can experience an overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia and despair. They literally feel that they are being brought to the gates of hell, are about to die in misery and since they cannot escape the pain and trauma, they feel helpless and in deep dark despair. This is all exaggerated due to the fact that after a couple of days of this, they have had their eyes closed most of the time and true miserable darkness becomes their entire world. Some even feel suicidal and conclude that they would rather be dead than to continue suffering as they are. They will often also experience terrifying panic attacks. It becomes a life and death battle.

Sufferers will often hold their head all the way to one side in an attempt to alleviate the pain that they are experiencing. Over time, this too can cause it’s own problems as the neck becomes sore or cramped from being in this one position. Keep on mind that this trick does not make the symptoms go away. It is just the best the sufferer can do. Turning the head away from it’s most tolerable position can immediately lead to a wave of worse nausea and vertigo effect.

As another warning, it has been reported that any attempt to use cannabis as a way of treating the vertigo and nausea will fail and simply make the situation worse. It’s use will cause extreme claustrophobia that can lead to strong panic attacks. Avoid cannabis use during this time at all costs.

During the 3 to 4 day event, and even after when going through the healing phase, many things are impossible to achieve. Work? No. Watching TV? No. Sex? No. Even just keeping your eyes open? No.
Quality of life is severely disabled.

Recovery is a long process that can take months; with the 4 day vertigo events repeating every 2 weeks for maybe 3 or more 4 day events before long term healing can take place.

More will be shared on this website concerning this disorder and we will link below to sites that offer help.

Our warning to you is to not allow this to happen in the first place, under ANY circumstances. Do not even flirt with it. If you are a diabetic; keep your blood sugar under control. If you have candida, do everything you can to eradicate it now before it develops into auto brewery syndrome. Get rid of all of the yeast in your home and anything that may be hiding yeast (such as labels on food that say “spices” or “natural flavors”). Cook fresh and always know what you are eating.

If you feel that you are a candidate for this disorder or have suffered from this disorder and did not know what was causing it; please stop eating at restaurants and buffets and stop ordering off of menus at the fast food joints. Yeast is hidden in what seems like most every processed food. It may not be most; but it is many. Take no food for granted and assume that it is clean from yeast. It is found in the most seemingly benign foods, such as a can of beans, or prepared meats. Read every label of all of your food and condiments and even your spices.

There are doctors across the country who specialize in helping people with Candida and Auto Brewery Syndrome. Interview them before you go to see them at their offices. Patients seeking help have gone to multiple doctors who do not even run tests because they do not have the first idea of what they are contending with and do not even know where to begin.

Here are a couple of resources for you to consider. And get on our mailing list (on the right bar of this page), so we can inform you when we have more information for you concerning this situation. We have more incredible information to reveal. I am currently writing a book concerning this disorder from my first hand experiences called, “The Gates of Hell; And Yeast is the devil. A Candida story”.

Please be safe and may Yahovah bless you and keep you.

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Natan’el is a servant of Yahovah, who works to bring people to faith in the promises and redeeming power of Yahovah, the Creator of all things, and of Yeshua, the Savior of mankind.

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